Amidst a backdrop of worldwide ecological and seismological chaos in the mid-2100s, the United States has been split in two by the Great Flood. As a result of the polar ice cap melting, the Mississippi River has destroyed the central portion of the United States, causing an ill-equipped Federal Government to fail and literally cut the country in half. These two halves are left to fend for themselves in the aftermath. The East, now known as the Atlantic Alliance, symbolic of their union with Europe, puts its faith in survivin...
Here is a short clip from krakrabbit of Online multiplayer gameplay footage of Fracture on thePS3. If you would like to view all of the latest gaming news dates/feeds/and forum disccusions please feel free to stop by krakrabbit and say hello. If you are seeking more exclusive video content please head on over to http and take a sneak peek at what we are serving up....
gamezplay - To capture the true essence of the DC Universe and its iconic characters, Sony Online Entertainment tapped the top talent at DC Comics, including legendary artist and co-publisher of DC Comics, Jim Lee, who served as executive creative director for DC Universe Online and provided the art style for the game. Famed DC comic book writers Geoff Johns and Marv Wolfman were tasked with establishing the backstory of the Universe and creating thousands of compelling story arcs, epic quests and action-packed, in-game even...
This is my playthrough of the game called fracture for sale for sale, for the ps3 system. This playthrough will be provieded with commentaries by me, and it is my very first time playing through the game, so expect many fails, and dumb shit. The guide will contain a run through the game, with no extra things (Maybe some, if I accidently get into some). The will be played on Normal. Fracture advances players to the year 2161, where ecological and seismological disasters have radically altered the planets landscape, and a clas...
This is my playthrough of the game called fracture deals deals, for the ps3 system. This playthrough will be provieded with commentaries by me, and it is my very first time playing through the game, so expect many fails, and dumb shit. The guide will contain a run through the game, with no extra things (Maybe some, if I accidently get into some). The will be played on Normal. Fracture advances players to the year 2161, where ecological and seismological disasters have radically altered the planets landscape, and a clash in i...